Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our zoo.

Here is a packet of pics of our pups. (Say that three times fast) :)
Diesel, Babes and Penny Lane. Penny is getting along nicely with Diesel but Babes is taking longer to warm up to her. She still misses Maggie and lays around a lot still but I think she's doing better every day. Penny is a crazy little puppy. She is still a little too rough with Jack so they don't get to play together very often. At least until he stops trying to sit on her which gets her riled up and spastic. That is her fetching which she LOVES to do. She has already been swimming too. She's not as bad as Maggie was about wanting to "live in the water". If there was a puddle nearby Maggie would be rolling around in it for hours. Penny is still kind of shy with the water but she will lay in the water dish all day. She also likes to chew on the cement as she is doing in one of the photos. Not really but it looks like she is eating the cement in the pic. She was actually trying to pry the wood separator from the cement. Gotta love puppies!


Clare said...

What a cute puppy. I think about getting one once in awhile - but our dog is so great - I think I better just stick with only her. If we had another dog - I would have to share Sadie.
It is off to the grocery store for me.

kubimarie said...

It is hard with three. I only had Maggie when I met Travis and I had to learn to share my attention with his dogs. Sometimes I wonder how we handle so many pets. It's craziness!! Sadie is a cutie!!

Live Love & Laugh said...

You both are crazy-I have one cute little kitty who takes little time to care for but we love to snuggle her. I can't even keep up with 2boys-one being a teen let alone 3 or is it 4 dogs. You are amazing!!